Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Training Grissom

We've been working on wait and lay down as obedience commands and Grissom is catching on well, tho when you tell him to lay down, he goes to the nearest bed. Can't blame him. I wouldn't want to lay down on the floor either. He's so eager to please, he makes it easy to work with him. The main challenge is that, being a puppy, his attention span is very short, so stay requires repeating the command to help him remember what he's doing.

He's loving this chilly weather and runs circles in my yard with Kelley, my girl hound. He gets so excited about the action that I have to send him back out to do his business. Guess he thinks it's more important to have fun.

He's also proving to be a bit of a watch dog. When he sees people or another dog going down the street, he lets out a couple of sharp, quick woofs, just to be sure I know he's reporting in.

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